Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

Spot the difference!

Been a while. Wanted to quit. BUT: Sorry - I can not keep this from you:
Nope, not Wikileaks - nothing about attention economic move of Bernadin Ardin to leverage her worldwide "fame" to now support the peace in Palestine by moving there.

While all the world is debating about if the publishing of the latest leaks was legal, while service providers decide to take over judicial roles without valid court orders by blocking flows of donations thus encountering strong grass root opposition storming their online infrastructure and rendering it (partially) inoperational, the main stream medie feeds hungrily on this - and other fundamental topics are disapearing in all that noise.

Interesting, isn't it?

Hello? Did we have an economic / system / banking crisis? Are the European states frantically trying to upkeep the current Eurosystem by signing off astronomic summs to pump up the collaborative recovery floater?
Could someone please do the maths and calculate how many man-years of how many average European citizens would be needed to pay into this? (Romans to Space age?)

Which effects do the individual nations' efforts have on their societies and populations?

Or should we rather talk about the Miracle of Cancun and its implications?

Or how to make peace with the Taliban, after pampering a phoney imposer, so that our troops can finaly go to where they belong?


No logic today. it is too late for that. Just facts.

I love a German news (and opinion forging) site - which is always good for a show:

Today they thouch 3 big whoppers:

For our friends, who do not follow German politics so closely (ok, I don't either - but sometimes my somnabul info junk triggers deeper consistency check brain areas, so I just can not keep it in)

a) Twice as much water in the Asse - the "secure by definition of government" depot for nuclear waste - which now endangers to corrode the barrels of radioactive waste - and to flow into the normal drinking water cycle. LINK

b) Mr. Mappus - the boss of the Baden Würtemberg decided without his legislative to spend billions in oblications to buy back shares of the former publicly owned engergy provider EnBw. LINK

I do see his point.

He gets at least value for money.

c) Something Deutsche Bank can not claim for the 4 billions they spend on a casino in Las Vegas., where the new casino needs to attract sufficient gamblers to pay the bills. Which might be a bit difficult considering current US economics.

d) Last but not least: The king of pop - a graphic detailing, where in the world the 2.4 (european!) billions of Euros went, that German banks invested around the world.

If you look closely (graphic above= Spiegel Online) at the countries currently debated as being in greatest risk of bancrupcy, you (or at least I) only see "small" bubbles indicating the amount of capital lend. The huge one with more than 300 billion (US) is not even mentioned - guess what: It is the UK!

And that is nearly as huuuuuuge as all the other usual suspects (Spain, Italy, Protugal, AND Greece added up together!

Now, that's a Whopper. But why is it not reported by them in this way?