Montag, 26. November 2007
Wheels keep on turnin' ...
Solidarity bike: Tested in Piemonte and really working great!
More than 1800 bikes were produced by workers, who occupied the plant for more than 100 days, to demonstrate, that the production of bikes was feasable and that buyout to close factory was economically not sensible.
Good try - but unfortunatelly the course of capital is a different one.
Sorry guys & girls, I will cherish your product and keep showing your great job!
By the way: How did you manage to offer this quality for that price??
I am amazed. All the best for the future!
Sonntag, 25. November 2007
Samstag, 24. November 2007
Its Weekend Time: Education & Entertainment for the longing minds
"The Great Conspiracy - The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw"
Really well elaborated documentation by Canadian Journalist Berrie Zwicker. (70 min.)
Nice side detail: Inbetween sessions cuts from this 1946 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films documentary "Democracy vs. Despotism" are being shown. (10 min.)
And for the curious minds: "ENDGAME - Blueprint for global enslavement"; newest Film by Alex Jones. He tries to give a strong point of how bad the Bilderbergs, and what their evil plans for us "sheep" are. (135 min.)
You might want to skip after 15 mins a bit, the last hour is quite entertaining if not interesting.
And, who said, that there was no chance for the good guys to win?
Have fun!
Really well elaborated documentation by Canadian Journalist Berrie Zwicker. (70 min.)
Nice side detail: Inbetween sessions cuts from this 1946 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films documentary "Democracy vs. Despotism" are being shown. (10 min.)
And for the curious minds: "ENDGAME - Blueprint for global enslavement"; newest Film by Alex Jones. He tries to give a strong point of how bad the Bilderbergs, and what their evil plans for us "sheep" are. (135 min.)
You might want to skip after 15 mins a bit, the last hour is quite entertaining if not interesting.
And, who said, that there was no chance for the good guys to win?
Have fun!
Freitag, 23. November 2007
Count your blessings ...
Ah, no! Really amazing stuff: Now the plans for new EU census digg right into the intimate details. Oh, come on - this is as absurd, as the people in the job office in Hamburg asking for jucey details of one's visual preferences for movies: HOW is this supposed to help any planning?
One could go into discussing the gender aspects of this new census, telling the guys finally what they always wanted to know but not dared to question ... but who would be so stupid - sorry naive - to answer correctly? And what benefit is to be expeced from this kind of information?
What difference does it make: The panel is just one snapshot in time! Be it 10, 100 or even 1000 partners before the actual spouse the woman lives with - what difference in planning is this going to make?
Will they include more facilities for hygiene, architectural sweet spots for casual horny meetings in public or stronger video surveillance? I think not.
It may hint in the direction if the children are born and raised in wedlock "correctly" or if external gene pools were tapped. Ok. This happens more often, than thought, according to the yellow press.
But who really cares: If you are a dad to your children and love them: Do you want to know, if you really also genetically are the father -or don't you? Do you want to break up with your ok family life, after years of conception and birth and face the consequences? Up to how many years after? I personally would not care, if someone told me: "Hey, your 10 year old, is not your own son." Which might be true.
Only the women know, really. Let's face it. This has been going on since we climbed off trees.
Or did you never wander, why rules for inheritance are so difficult in different cultures?
So, after 10 years of fatherhood to your child: Would you really want to know, if it was you or your best mate or Joe Bloke? This question, I think, migth be relevant in the difficult times of pregnancy and shortly afterwards, when you can still run from it - as many do. As long as you have not had any chance to develop a personal relation to your child. But after that - after you are seen and felt as being the father, for the child's and your own sake of sanity: Do you really want to know?
If yes, you have to deal with the complexities derived from the answer.
So: Who really cares about these facts? Voyeurs without proper possibilities to live their own sexual drives; they might be turned on by the idea of high numbers. Ok. But they are not the ones these surveys are being conducted for. Social scientists, now being able to compare country X to Y - but hey: This relies on honest answers, you most likely will not collect with these questions. Interesting which sort of crossmatching the EU dataming willl conduct here: I bet, that this all goes in the direction of categorising the possible mothers into something like breeding schemes. Just immagine the new business models (for blackmailing) emerging ...
I bet you, guys, the next thing on the road map to question and to categorize might just as well be our ...
Good night!
One could go into discussing the gender aspects of this new census, telling the guys finally what they always wanted to know but not dared to question ... but who would be so stupid - sorry naive - to answer correctly? And what benefit is to be expeced from this kind of information?
What difference does it make: The panel is just one snapshot in time! Be it 10, 100 or even 1000 partners before the actual spouse the woman lives with - what difference in planning is this going to make?
Will they include more facilities for hygiene, architectural sweet spots for casual horny meetings in public or stronger video surveillance? I think not.
It may hint in the direction if the children are born and raised in wedlock "correctly" or if external gene pools were tapped. Ok. This happens more often, than thought, according to the yellow press.
But who really cares: If you are a dad to your children and love them: Do you want to know, if you really also genetically are the father -or don't you? Do you want to break up with your ok family life, after years of conception and birth and face the consequences? Up to how many years after? I personally would not care, if someone told me: "Hey, your 10 year old, is not your own son." Which might be true.
Only the women know, really. Let's face it. This has been going on since we climbed off trees.
Or did you never wander, why rules for inheritance are so difficult in different cultures?
So, after 10 years of fatherhood to your child: Would you really want to know, if it was you or your best mate or Joe Bloke? This question, I think, migth be relevant in the difficult times of pregnancy and shortly afterwards, when you can still run from it - as many do. As long as you have not had any chance to develop a personal relation to your child. But after that - after you are seen and felt as being the father, for the child's and your own sake of sanity: Do you really want to know?
If yes, you have to deal with the complexities derived from the answer.
So: Who really cares about these facts? Voyeurs without proper possibilities to live their own sexual drives; they might be turned on by the idea of high numbers. Ok. But they are not the ones these surveys are being conducted for. Social scientists, now being able to compare country X to Y - but hey: This relies on honest answers, you most likely will not collect with these questions. Interesting which sort of crossmatching the EU dataming willl conduct here: I bet, that this all goes in the direction of categorising the possible mothers into something like breeding schemes. Just immagine the new business models (for blackmailing) emerging ...
I bet you, guys, the next thing on the road map to question and to categorize might just as well be our ...
Good night!
Montag, 19. November 2007
I phone, you phone, we phone for I phone... scream, I mean...
So, my favorite mac loving tech fetish co author has finally increased the mac-density in her flat another time. 'Tis a bit strange though, that this event went so far unreportet. Tss. "Hello Bryn! What is the matter?"
Little heavy monster this phone is, out in the wild - but no, I am not going to discuss the pros and cons. I refrain from adding more text to tha hype. Read my lips!
Interestingly enough, and the step in the right direction, is the announcement of the DK, so that in the light of the android offensive of google, apple tries to draw par by opening highliy motivated (grassroot?) development communities for new applications to give more steam on the market penetration; now even talking to china mobile for shipping to them.
Now, this is a nice little irony of globalisation, is it not? That finally apple after all the other western brands, tries to also get a foot into this massively awaking consumer market of the new established and better off ... communists? From the point of sustainability very sensible: Produce and consume locally ;-) But I am getting off the topic.
Open innovation is clearly an important paradigm for the next episode of the saturated and shaking mobile device and serivce market; and in the comming of the Google led "Android Offensive", yedimacites do the right thing to trust force of the willing; the emerging Clone wars against the Brotherhood of proprietary -, Symbian or Microsoft-OS will foster bloddy and costly battles for the customer's heart & minds.
But, this will not really last for long: As the pure power of these small incredible devices so faithfully repeats to verify Moore's law, virutalisation will enter this domain soon as well; or didn't you know, that the fastest Laptop to run Vista is a MacBook Pro?
No, I will not start punning about the licence schemes and prices of vista and compare them to the Leopard.
I am more amused about the fact that in Germany Vodafone is not a fair and sporty looser after all: First they wanted to have the exclusive rights. Then they did not want to give Steve Jobs the share of data profits accumulated through the phone, and T-Mobile was more than happy to jump in and pay the ?30%? (Update: rather around 10%, according to FTD.DE 21st of August). Now Vodafone sues TMO for having the exclusive rights, they themselves were not willing to pay for. Way to go. Grow up!
Little heavy monster this phone is, out in the wild - but no, I am not going to discuss the pros and cons. I refrain from adding more text to tha hype. Read my lips!
Interestingly enough, and the step in the right direction, is the announcement of the DK, so that in the light of the android offensive of google, apple tries to draw par by opening highliy motivated (grassroot?) development communities for new applications to give more steam on the market penetration; now even talking to china mobile for shipping to them.
Now, this is a nice little irony of globalisation, is it not? That finally apple after all the other western brands, tries to also get a foot into this massively awaking consumer market of the new established and better off ... communists? From the point of sustainability very sensible: Produce and consume locally ;-) But I am getting off the topic.
Open innovation is clearly an important paradigm for the next episode of the saturated and shaking mobile device and serivce market; and in the comming of the Google led "Android Offensive", yedimacites do the right thing to trust force of the willing; the emerging Clone wars against the Brotherhood of proprietary -, Symbian or Microsoft-OS will foster bloddy and costly battles for the customer's heart & minds.
But, this will not really last for long: As the pure power of these small incredible devices so faithfully repeats to verify Moore's law, virutalisation will enter this domain soon as well; or didn't you know, that the fastest Laptop to run Vista is a MacBook Pro?
No, I will not start punning about the licence schemes and prices of vista and compare them to the Leopard.
I am more amused about the fact that in Germany Vodafone is not a fair and sporty looser after all: First they wanted to have the exclusive rights. Then they did not want to give Steve Jobs the share of data profits accumulated through the phone, and T-Mobile was more than happy to jump in and pay the ?30%? (Update: rather around 10%, according to FTD.DE 21st of August). Now Vodafone sues TMO for having the exclusive rights, they themselves were not willing to pay for. Way to go. Grow up!
Freitag, 9. November 2007
"Another one bites the dust" - Give Kids Cams, Laptops, not Guns!
As prophesysed by Queen in the 1980s, and horrifically enacted in the 1990s, another angry young man has physically projected his hatred with a sigg-sauer into the world: Killing people.
Sadly as it is, this would not be something unsuspected or unusual in the US.
But this time it happened in Finland.
Luckily his efforts were not as fatal as they might have been: 9 people were killed including the perpetrator. Of the available 500 rounds he fired 69 shots alltogether - and his attempts to ignite an accelerator were in vain. Luckily for his sourroundings, that he was not able to achieve the heroic quality of his virtual self-representation in youtube. In a way, concluding being a very tragic anti-hero.
"Oh, it's all these damn video games" some unknowledgeable people will conclude - or they blame "the internet" and user generated content portals like youtube - and will call for stricter control.
But videogames or internet activities do not kill. It is people with guns and without clear mind.
How can it be, that a 18 year old European is in possession of a handgun?
On the contrary, means of new media in the hands of committed people do not just produce berserk-raging madness, as the yellow press so bravely continious to put foreward (fearsome of a big shift in customer patterns of information retrieval). The virtual worlds & works may prove to be THE hunting ground for adolescents to explore possibilities for being, connect to alikes and work on projects - e.g. elaborating their phantasies of omnipotence and futility.
"Captain Pirk" - on the contrary - is a prime example for such efforts !
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